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USDA Value Added Ag Grant for 2018
This year’s funding announcement is expected in the coming weeks for the USDA Value Added Agriculture grant program. Ag producers who produce an agriculture product of some kind can apply for funding that will assist them in processing or otherwise increasing the value so they can capture more of the overall value of their […]
Renewable Energy Finance for Non Taxable Entities
Businesses are in a position to directly take advantage of financial incentives to drastically offset the cost of solar, wind, biomass and other technologies. The use of Federal tax credits, state credits, grants, and other tax saving tools can drastically reduce the cost of a solar or other installation often by well over 50%. This […]
Value Added Agriculture
The USDA Value Added Agriculture program is a great funding tool for agriculture producers to acquire working capital to grow their concepts into successful ventures. Some of the concepts that we have helped develop include grapes into wine, livestock waste into compost, energy and fertilizer, and meat animals into branded packaged meat. Funding for 2017 […]
Community Project Comes Together with Grant Funding and a Partnership with Public and Private Parties
The planned renovation of a lake near Spencer Nebraska is becoming a reality after many years of funding efforts and planning for the long term ownership and maintenance of the property. The lake which was first constructed in the 1930’s as a WPA project was used by local residents for all types of recreation including […]
Rural Economic Development Has Many Components
Communities in rural areas need to be proactive and strategic in their efforts to maintain and grow viable enterprises. Government can take the lead and facilitate this growth in several ways. These methods include public policy, technical assistance, strategic planning and business finance. First, city and county government can implement public policy including sales or […]
USDA Offers Grant Programs for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for Small Businesses
USDA Rural Development through its Renewable Energy for America program offers grants of up to 25% of the total eligible project costs, loan guarantees of up to 75% of the total eligible project costs, and a combination of a grant and loan guarantees to agricultural producers and rural small businesses to incorporate new energy technology […]
Alternative Sources of Financing for Businesses and Non-Profits.
During the past several years I have devoted part of my time to helping businesses and non-profits find money to fund their projects. These sources have included grants, tax credits, low interest loans and equity capital. I have been involved in renewable energy, waste and recycling, and other economic development activities. There are certain circumstances […]
Business Plan- Why Do I Need One?
As a business planning consultant for 15 years and a manufacturing business owner for 6 years I have been on both sides of the business plan, that is helping clients with theirs as well as writing it myself for use in my business. Is the business plan important? It depends upon how it is assembled […]
Entrepreneurship – Very Much In Style As Startups Find Funding and Other Resources
It seems that now more than ever entrepreneurial groups are forming in order to use business start-up as a key component of economic development. Conferences are being held all over in which ideas for high tech and other concepts are presented to investors and other stakeholders. In the Midwest we are seeing them in Kansas […]
Public Meetings: Making a Case and Achieving Your Objectives with Elected Officials:
There are few economic development projects that will not involve working with elected officials in a public forum regarding resolutions, zoning, cooperative ventures and project financing. We have been blessed with favorable relationships with elected officials while obtaining the necessary approval to move a project forward. Some of the things we have learned along the […]